Friday, April 1, 2011

Steadicam faces its toughest competition yet

After nearly 40 years as the dominant tool in the competitive Personally-Wearable-Motion-Picture-Camera-Stabilization-System market (PWMPCSS), the Steadicam gets thrown out of balance - both static AND dynamic - by a product that can literally fit in the palm of your hand.

Enter The Steadiglove.  Using ultra top secret, proprietary technology, the Steadiglove looks like nothing more than a full fingered bicycle glove that you could probably buy at any bicycle or hardware shop.  Unlike the Steadicam, which employs Newtonian laws of physics and brilliant mechanical design to isolate the movements of the operator from the movements of the camera, the Steadiglove works by simply putting it on your hand.  The result is an image free of all undesired vibration.

Upon seeing the new product for the first time, the Academy Award winning inventor of the Steadicam, Garrett Brown stated, "I can't believe I never considered a simple glove would be easier to use than 75 pounds of metal strapped to the operator's body."  He then buried his face in his hands and wept a little.

When reached for a counter comment, the creator of the Steadiglove demonstrated its versatility by placing his thumb to his nose, wiggling his fingers, and making a raspberry sound.

As of now, the Steadiglove only comes in a right-handed version.  A model for southpaws is said to be under development, but will take much longer to release, primarily because nobody cares about lefties.

The Steadiglove can be seen in action below.

The Steadiglove from Reel Vision on Vimeo.